The Arizona tax law (ARS 43-1089.01) allows taxpayers a tax credit for up to $200 for “Single” or “Head of Household” tax filers and up to $400 for “Married Couple Filing a Joint Return” when contributing to extracurricular activities in public schools. Your tax credit donation is non-refundable.

Prior to making your donation, you may have questions regarding the Tax Credit program. Please read the Frequently asked questions below to receive further clarification.

If you are ready to proceed with your donation, please click on the Tax Credit Form link to access the form. Complete the form, include your donation, print, and return by mail or in person to the CAVIT District office.

Note: CAVIT does not use your personal information (email address, home address, or telephone number) for mailing, nor do we sell/give this information to any agency for their mailing/contact lists.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an extracurricular activity?

Extracurricular activity means any optional, non-credit educational or competitive school sponsored activity that supplements the education program of the school. Activities such as field trips, student leadership organizations or classroom enrichment programs can be funded with tax credit money. Extracurricular activities do not include any senior trips or events that are recreational, amusement or tourist activities.

Who is eligible?

This tax credit is available to all Arizona individual taxpayers regardless of whether or not they live in one of CAVIT’s five satellite school districts or have children in one of those five satellite high schools. These credits are not available to trusts, estates, regular corporations, or S corporations. An individual or head of household can contribute and receive a tax credit for any amount up to $200, or a couple filing jointly can contribute up to $400.

How soon may I make a donation?

You may make a donation as early as the first day of January. Donations can be accepted throughout the calendar year. Tax credit donations must be postmarked by December 31 of the calendar year in order to be applicable for that tax year.

Where does the money go?

One hundred percent of your donation goes directly to CAVIT for career and technical related school sponsored extracurricular activities that benefit students by enriching campus life and learning. It cannot be used for recreational, amusement, or tourist activities. Please remember the donation is non-refundable.

Does the contribution have to be the maximum amount of $200 or $400?

The amount of the tax credit you make does not have to be for the total allowable amount of $200 for single or head of household tax filers or $400 for a couple filing jointly – you can make a difference in our schools with just $50, $75, or $100. You may donate in installments throughout the calendar year, or you may donate the maximum at one time. In addition, the credit may be split between one of more programs; for example, $100 to our cosmetology program and $100 for our medical assistant program.