Career Display Finalists Enjoy Experience

After showcasing different careers at CAVIT, student finalists hope to participate in HOSA and SkillsUSA competitions. Read this article in full on the Maricopa Monitor website.

Teachers Reflect on 1st Quarter Instructional Highlights

As the first quarter draws to a close, teachers reflected on the impactful technical content taught, the memorable hands-on skills mastered, and the work-based learning completed by students. Check out the success of teachers’ first quarter instructional...

CAVIT September 11 Ceremony Is Time To Remember

Central Arizona Valley Institute of Technology has invited the community to its September 11 Remembrance Ceremony. It will be on Wednesday, September 11 at CAVIT, 1789 W. Coolidge Avenue, with the ceremony beginning at 8:00 a.m. People are encouraged to arrive around...