CAVIT implements a continuum of support services to students to address the needs of all learners to contribute to their maximum success in our central campus programs.

Accommodation Examples

Examples of IEP and 504 Accommodations that are commonly provided at CAVIT.

  • Open book/open note tests
  • Use of study guides/flashcards on tests
  • Reduced answer choices
  • Changing the passing score on a test or assignment
  • Modified curriculum
  • Extended time on test
  • Provide copy of teacher notes/PowerPoint presentation
  • Provide written instructions to accompany verbal instructions
  • Reader for exams
  • Test in alternate setting
  • Preferential seating
  • Provide extra demonstration

CAVIT Intervention System Overview

  • Establish system and communication plan with member districts to identify struggling students and obtain pertinent student records.
  • Provide appropriate training opportunities for high school and CAVIT staff to ensure understanding of services and accommodations available in central campus programs.
  • Provide training and support to CAVIT staff on instructional and behavioral intervention strategies.
  • Design and implement student monitoring process to target struggling students and provide ongoing appropriate assistance and support.
  • Develop system to collect data on success/failure of students who are provided support services.